Industrial B2B Marketplace

Reach industrial manufacturers and suppliers

Sellers at Bidustry are industrial product manufacturers, distributors, retailers, resellers etc. Categories are mechanical, electrical, civil, machine etc. and are not for consumer products or consumers. Industrial product prices are changeable because of order quantities, stock status, etc. Bidustry offers a bidding system upon products. Sellers are reachable upon quotes, messages or company pages. It is business to business (B2B) Marketplace.

There is no commission

Bidustry is not an e-commerce marketplace. “Add to Cart” and “Order” system are for consumer products; not for industrial products. Bidustry offers a bidding system upon products. Products are being served with “Request for quote” and “Contact” buttons. You will reach your quote without a commission. You can contact companies directly from product pages by clicking logos or with requesting a quote and sending messages. You can also request for quote outside the platform.

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By clicking "SEND" I accept the User Agreement , Privacy Agreement

Request for quote or contact

At Bidustry, products are being served with “request for quote” and “contact” buttons. You can reach products you are searching for in search engines or with Bidustry search box. When you find the product, you can request from all sellers including in product page with “Request for quote”. If you want to send a message instead of requesting for quote, you can try the “send message” at the bottom. Select sellers that you want to send a message and send. You can also click on the company logos.



Request for quote or contact

At Bidustry, products are being served with “request for quote” and “contact” buttons. You can reach products you are searching for in search engines or with Bidustry search box. When you find the product, you can request from all sellers including in product page with “Request for quote”. If you want to send a message instead of requesting for quote, you can try the “send message” at the bottom. Select sellers that you want to send a message and send. You can also click on the company logos.

Company and brand pages

At Bidustry, you can see dozens of suppliers at some product pages, while others have one supplier. Sellers are manufacturers and suppliers that quote the product. You can request for quote or send messages from product pages. On the other hand, you can visit company pages by clicking the company logos. In company pages, you can see more specific information about the company such as company website, phone number etc. so as to contact. You can also view brands which company sells. Brand pages and products are common areas for suppliers. You may also want to reach other sellers from those pages.

Reach more sellers with the request form

You can view all goods in your cart. After completing the needed information in the next step, your request for quotation is sent to the seller accounts while you complete your order for the products whose prices are displayed. Sellers for “bid to cart” products will respond to your request for quotation in a short time of period.

Send the target price and order

When the sellers quote at Bidustry, you can view alternative bids on some products, while others can have one bid. Evaluate the prices and delivery dates on your quote. For some, you can send the target price if you want. To do this, just click the button in the bid. Complete the order by selecting bids you find okay. With Bidustry, you will reach your quote without commission fees. You can make payment to sellers in the way with the conditions determined by your order.

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By clicking "SEND" I accept the User Agreement , Privacy Agreement

Sellers are being organized in the background of brand products that you are sourcing

With the distribution management system in Bidustry, stakeholders such as manufacturers, distributors and retailers of a brand are organized so that you can reach the optimum result in a short time of period. Thus, you do not need to make transactions with dozens of sellers one by one.

RFQs and orders

You can request for quote, contact without register or you can register by choosing one of the plans. When you register, your admin panel will be created. You can view your quote requests and orders in your panel. You can review the status of your requests. You can also view them as proforma. You can update your personel informations in the “my account” section.

Request a manual quote

Some of products you are looking for may not be available at Bidustry. This does not mean that Bidustry sellers do not sell such these kind of products. With the PRO plan, you can request manual quotes by targeting categories from your admin panel. From your admin panel, select the "request manual quote" section. When requesting a manual quote, you can upload documents related with your quote. Select the relevant categories and request for quote.

View old prices

At Bidustry, you can view old prices and validity dates of some products. These prices can give you an insight into your project. Request a quote again for current prices. You can choose the PRO plan for unlimited access to old prices. You can reach old prices from brands at the bottom of home page. Start to explore!

Integration and analysis

Start buying integrated with the PRO plan! Integrations can be configured differently for different companies. By connecting your stocks, your request will be sent to the sellers for the products whose quantity has decreased. You may need specific analyzes related to your buying processes. Contact Bidustry and submit your request about specific needs. Analytics can give you an insight into your purchasing process.

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By clicking "SEND" I accept the User Agreement , Privacy Agreement



Track Your İnquiries By Subscribing

No payment info required!
  • LIMITLESS Requisition & Message
  • Reach Companies
  • Bulk RFQ & Message
  • RFQ-Orders Traction Panels
  • Create Quote Form
  • Equivalent Product Module
  • Sent RFQ by file upload
  • Access Price Histories
  • Get Special Report


Improve And Simplify RFQ Process

Free until 15th day!
  • LIMITLESS Requisition & Message
  • Reach Companies
  • Bulk RFQ & Message
  • RFQ-Orders Traction Panels
  • Create Quote Form
  • Equivalent Product Module
  • Sent RFQ by file upload
  • Access Price Histories
  • Get Special Report

If you work with resellers

At Bidustry, you can see dozens of sellers for some products. These brands are the brands including more than one seller sending quote. In these products, suppliers may have joined independently from each other or they may have joined with their manufacturers together. You can request a quote from to dozens of manufacturers and suppliers with a few clicks. In this type of products, your request can be sent directly to all suppliers or in an order. Suppliers can be organized region by region in a single country or country by country around the world. If they don’t turn you back in a specific time period as order rule, your request is sent from your region to whole country or from your country to the world.

Buyer FAQ

What is Bidustry?

B2B marketplace for industrial goods sellers and buyers.

Is there any commission fee?

No. Bidustry is not an e-commerce marketplace. It offers bidding system upon products. Industrial product prices are changeable in the way of product order quantities, stock status etc. At Bidustry, buyers come together with sellers by requesting quotes or contacts. Buyers information and request are directly being sent to sellers. Buyers reach quotations without commission.

How to join?

Request quotes or send messages without registering or by selecting a free plan. If you select the PRO plan, you can proceed without any limit.

What is a manual RFQ?

If you cannot find products at Bidustry, you can request a manual quote by targeting categories. You can also upload files for your request. You need to register with Free plan or PRO plan for manual RFQ.

What is the old price?

At Bidustry, you can see old prices of some products. This can give you an idea at your project. As sellers sent bids through the system, product prices can be displayed as old price in th way of validity date

Can I be both a buyer and a seller?

Your company may be eligible to be both a seller and a buyer. You can be both with 2 different profiles.

Suppliers & Manufacturers

Be a seller or manufacturer!



Don't forget to read some blogs!


RFQ on existing products or on manually added requests without any registration.


Contact suppliers through supplier or product pages.


List your brands and industrial products.