• Bidustry is a B2B marketplace for industrial product sellers and buyers.
  • Sellers are manufacturers and suppliers of industrial goods. Buyers are industrial companies such as factories, construction projects, power plants, refineries, engineering firms, dams, shopping malls, hospitals, etc.
  • Categories in Bidustry are for producer goods. There are hundreds of categories and subcategories such as mechanical, electrical, civil, hardware, machine, chemical, etc.
  • Producer products, manufacturer goods i.e. industrial goods, can be used to manufacture consumer goods or to manufacture other manufacturer products. Compared to consumer products, the product range is much more complex and broad.
  • The prices of the products are variable and high due to reasons such as minimum order quantity, stock status, place of assembly in the project, manufacturing, and logistics costs.
  • Bidustry offers a bidding system on products for industrial goods sellers and buyers. There are no product prices on product pages.
  • Buyers can request a quote; they can send messages. They can contact sellers from the company pages. They can analyze the price histories of products.
  • Products can be offered by a single supplier or by dozens of suppliers.
  • Manufacturers and suppliers can serve thousands of industrial goods in their catalogs regardless of stock status, as they serve products without prices with a bidding system.
  • Buyers can send their requests to all sellers with a few clicks at products with tens of sellers, by creating a quote form with more than one industrial product, they can send their inquiry to dozens of sellers.
  • Explore more!

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RFQ on existing products or on manually added requests without any registration.


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